Starting March 7, Essential Church will be meeting in homes as a lead-up to our launch.  We believe that gathering together as a church body is very important, and want to create small fellowship opportunities until we can meet all together.  So please consider joining us at one of these host homes listed below.  Feel free to just show-up, you will be more than welcomed; or contact us if you have any other questions or if you want the host to know you are coming.  God bless, look forward to seeing you soon. 

Sundays 10am

Allotta House  (Nursery & Pre-school Available)

Near SR 52 and the Suncoast
12523 Field Point Way  Spring Hill, FL 34610

Bender House  (Kids Ministry Available)

Near Little Road and Hudson Ave
14351 Pimberton Dr Hudson, FL 34667
Want the Host Home to know you are coming?  Or want help connecting with the right home for you and your family?  Just fill this out and we'll get right back to you.